19 Jan Photography Competitions in January 2020
Towards the end of last year, I participated in a Facebook thread about competitions. Someone said “wouldn’t be it great if there was a newsletter that reminded us what competitions to enter” and I said… “I could do that.” And so the idea of a newsletter about photography competitions in January and beyond was born.
Often I immediately regret saying those four little words, but this time I think the idea was actually really great, and so I got to it immediately and started to build up a small mailing list.
The aim was to send my first newsletter in January 2020 and I’m right on target! I sent it out today, with links to six great photography competitions that people could enter, as well as some musings on the environmental impact of photography competitions.
If you’d like to read the post that went out for photography competitions in January 2020, you can do that here, at the preview link that my host make available. If you’re reading in the future then this might not be quite as relevant, but I hope you still get something useful out of it!
And if you want to sign up to make sure that you don’t miss next month’s newsletter, you can do that below! The original post I wrote about the mailing list is here.
I’m looking forward to learning and growing with my mailing list as we enter competitions together and hopefully win some prizes. So if you just signed up to find out about photography competitions in January and beyond I’m glad you’re on board and starting this journey with me!