07 Apr Behind The Image #13 – Still Life with Lens & Film
I needed to shoot a header image for an upcoming article that I’ve written for Digital Photography School. It’s an article about gear – which is unusual for me – but don’t judge by a book by its cover because I promise it’s not a techie one!
So anyway, I shot this little scene with one of the beautifully engineered Fuji lenses for my little digital camera alongside some old film that my Grandfather shot. Since this series is called behind the image I thought I’d give you a real genuine “behind the image” experience…

First off I want to show you this fabulous image of this fabulous beehive hairstyle… I genuinely have no idea how you put your hair into that style and keep it there. Amazing. Lots of hairspray I’d imagine. Several bottles per day.

And then I have to show you this amazing photo that is also on that strip of film… this is my Aunt. With a bird on her head.
No. I have no idea either.